Thursday, October 13, 2022

Audubon’s Watercolors 2023 Wall Calendar Review & Giveaway

Experience John James Audubon's spectacular avian watercolors! Audubon’s Watercolors 2023 Wall Calendar: The Original Birds of America by the New-York Historical Society. This American history museum and library, founded in 1804, houses the world's largest collection of Auduboniana. The legendary John James Audubon (1785–1851) was an ornithologist, artist, and creator of the world-famous Birds of America. This calendar features twelve watercolors from his Original Birds of America - one painting per month. On the cover is a magnificent pair of Great Horned Owls gazing from a lichen-covered branch. The color and detail found throughout the calendar are impressive. Its 12-month format runs from January - December 2023. A 4-month spread of September - December 2022 is included. The days are arranged weekly from Sunday - Saturday. Generously sized grids allow space for writing in appointments and reminders. Major official world holidays and moon phases are marked. The calendar is bound together with staples. It measures 12 x 24 inches (30.5 x 61 cm). The paper has a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) MIX label. A single-hole punch in the center of each month makes it easy to hang. I use a finishing nail. The Audubon calendar is a personal favorite. I get a copy every year. Its uses include time management, personalizing your space, decorating empty walls, and gifting. Andrews McMeel Publishing released the 24-page wall calendar on September 27, 2022. Get your copy below!

Audubon’s Watercolors 2023 Wall Calendar

Great Blue Heron.

Florida Scrub-Jay.

Great Blue Heron

Black-billed Magpie

Townsend's Bunting

Mangrove Cuckoo

Canada Warbler

Eastern Wood-Pewee

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Summer Tanager

Florida Scrub-Jay

Great Horned Owl

Purple Finch

American Robin

I like this little songbird from May 2023 a Canada Warbler.

The calendar is made of paper that has a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) MIX label. It identifies products which are made with a combination of FSC virgin fibre, and/or recycled materials with controlled virgin fibre.

Center hole-punch and daily grids of my Audubon calendar.

July's Chestnut-sided Warbler.

Audubon's Watercolors 2023 Wall Calendar ISBN: 9780789342300 is available at Andrews McMeel Publishing. They have generously offered to giveaway a copy! One winner will be selected at random. Open until November 2, 2022. USA addresses only. Good luck!


  1. I love this Audubon’s Watercolors 2023 Wall Calendar and the beautiful pictures of all the birds.

  2. Oh, I bet this is an fabulous calendar.

  3. The illustrations are just so beautiful.

  4. Great looking calendar, thanks for the chance

  5. I really like these avian watercolors. Beautiful calendar

  6. So beautiful.
    Make a great Christmas gift

  7. I love birds. This would be amazing to have.

  8. This is a beautiful wall calendar! I love the pictures.

  9. Know the date and enjoy the pictures. Beautiful and soothing calendar.
