Tuesday, August 20, 2019

nugoo JAPAN - bento® Lunch Wraps Review

nugoo Japan's on-line shop has a large selection of very nice-looking and practical bento® Lunch Wraps. nugoo created their bento® Lunch Wraps to wrap and carry bento boxes - Japan's traditional (and trending globally) lunch box. These hand printed, colorful wraps come in a variety of modern designs. They are made of 100% cotton and measure 53 cm x 53 cm (approx. 21 inches square). They often double as a lunch table mat. The pattern is prominent on one side of the fabric. Both eco-friendly and stylish, bento® Lunch Wraps are the perfect lunch bag alternative. With the summer break nearing an end, wouldn't it be fun to start a tradition of choosing new bento® Lunch Wraps for the return to school or work? Or mix and match pieces to make a set of napkins. They would also make a lovely gift, especially paired with chop sticks or a Bento box. To find your favorites click on the bento® Lunch Wraps tab and browse page by page. Or use the handy search bar (top right of their web-site). Then type in bento and hit enter. bento® Lunch Wraps retail for USD$9.60 or CAD$12.78 each. Subscribe to nugoo's email list and get $5 USD off your next order (bottom right of their web-site). Get yours below!

My bento® Lunch Wrap. The pattern is called sukusuku.

bento® Lunch Wrap - kurukuru

bento® Lunch Wrap - amiami

bento® Lunch Wrap - gorogoro pattern

This is where I learned how to use my bento® Lunch Wrap. I recommend watching til the very end because there is a simple yet special technique for opening the wrap.

nugoo Japan's on-line products include - tenugui, bento® lunch wraps, square cloth scarves, tea, accessories and greeting cards. Their online shop is in English, with prices in US dollars and worldwide shipping. You may also check prices in 14 different currencies including the Canadian dollar, British pound and Euro. Founded in 2006 nugoo also has five retail stores and a cafe in and around Tokyo.


  1. This is a really cool and useful idea ! Love it !

  2. This are all so pretty and useful I like the korokoro color

  3. this is new to me and i think their awesome

  4. I learned how to complete the bento lunch wrap with the cloth. I love the creativity and sustainable this is.

  5. I like the colors.

  6. Very nice! I do like bento boxes (always order in a Japanese restaurant).

  7. I will do this for all of my office lunches from now on!

  8. Love the Bento Box wrap. Another cute idea. Wish I still needed to take a lunch some place!

  9. Love the beautiful colours & unique patterns, they're so pretty & eco friendly!

  10. The lunch wrap is just so unique.

  11. This is so nice I like the color patterns .

  12. it is so fascinating how differently countries and cultures use items

  13. This is a very cool way of wrapping lunches!

  14. It is so nice to go back to simple and delightful gifts Rosanne rosans4comcast (dot) net
