Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Taking a Break

Deb of the Handmade by Deb blog is taking a break to enjoy village life on the shores of Lake Huron.

Sunday, April 02, 2023

Write, Design & Wreck Review & GIVEAWAY

Let loose! Write, Design & Wreck: Draw, Paint, Rip, and Ruin this Book by the Editors of Chartwell Books. Make this art journal your own. Express your creativity without the fear of making a mistake or being perfect. This guided journal has over 150 mixed-media prompts in color and the space to complete them. All prompts are open to interpretation. Use your favorite arts and crafts supplies. Tools to write with and add color are a good starting point. You probably have enough materials around the house. There are no limits. Every page is different. It's never dull. Explore the art journaling process with words, drawings and more. Try a wide variety of activities - with all types of mediums. The benefits of keeping a journal are many. Work out your thoughts and feelings. Express your mood. Set goals, plan and dream. Try new materials and practice new techniques. It's fun. I look forward to it every day. See excerpts below. This 192-page paperback will be released on April 11, 2023, by Chartwell Books. It's available now for pre-order. Get your copy below!

Back of my copy.

Write, Design & Wreck ISBN-13 : 978-0785842026 is available worldwide at Chartwell Books, an imprint of the Quarto Publishing Group USA. Quarto has generously offered to giveaway a copy! One winner will be selected at random. Open until April 19, 2023. Canadian and US addresses only. Good luck!

Monday, March 13, 2023

369 Laws of Attraction Review & GIVEAWAY

Achieve your dreams! 369 Laws of Attraction Guided Workbook: Discover Your Inner Power to Make Your Life Anything You Can Imagine from the Editors of Chartwell Books. Learn how to use the 369 method - tap into the law of attraction and manifest your dreams. This book begins with an introduction to the 369 method, including why, how and guidelines. Ten pages of positive affirmation exercises follow. The categories are self-worth, health and body image, career goals, wealth and love. Read the sample affirmations. Use them as a guide to create your own. Write yours in the lined space provided. Thirteen chapters follow. All begin with an inspirational quote - some spiritual wisdom for contemplation. Each chapter introduces an effective manifestation technique, such as journaling, self-belief and visualization. These include prompts for reflection and writing. Use the 369 templates to write down your intention statements. They are a written expression of your intention. Do this three times in the morning, six times during the day and nine times in the evening. This format continues for all chapters. Use these techniques to attract what you want. I'm going to. Your dreams are waiting. What would you like to manifest? See excerpts and the complete table of contents below. This 192-page paperback will be released on April 4, 2023, by Chartwell Books. It's available now for pre-order. Get your copy below!



Manifesting Your Dreams the 369 Way 

1. Journaling

2. Self Belief

3. Visualization

4. Meeting People Who Will Help

5. Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs

6. Expressing Gratitude

7. Embodying Positive Energy

8. Aligning Your Vibrations

9. Practice Trust

10. Experiencing Connection

11. Seeking Serendipity

12 Believing in Your Worth

13. Dreams Delivered

Understanding the Laws of Attraction

Daydreaming with Purpose

Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs

Inside of my copy.

369 Laws of Attraction ISBN-13 : 9780785842101 is available worldwide at Chartwell Books. Chartwell is an imprint of the Quarto Publishing Group USA. Quarto has generously offered to giveaway a copy! One winner will be selected at random. Open until March 29, 2023. Canadian and US addresses only. Good luck!

Thursday, March 02, 2023

Drawing Class: Animals Review & GIVEAWAY

Coming soon! Drawing Class: Animals: Learn to Draw with Simple Shapes and Online Tutorials by Heegyum Kim. Join this award-winning illustrator in 60 beginner-level lessons. She takes you from the first steps to the final details, step by step. Her stylized animals are delightful - they inspire and motivate. Begin by drawing a combination of large and small rectangles, triangles and circles. These simple shapes will form the basis of your drawing. Add marks and details, gradually developing your animal's personality. Once you've finished drawing - bring your sketch to life with color and pattern. The author suggests using colored pencils. Follow the examples given. Work through the coloring process until your illustration is complete. Take your drawing a step further with some sketch studies. They involve changes to the animal's position, close-ups, etc. For each animal, there are several options. The sketch studies will help you get familiar with the animal's physical characteristics. The variety of animals is fabulous. There is a diverse selection from all over the world. They make the exercises fun. Get plenty of practice and build up your confidence. Add a pencil, eraser, colored pencils and paper. Want a look behind the scenes? An added feature of this book is the unique QR code with each drawing. Scan the square-shaped black-and-white symbol with a smartphone. It will lead you to a video of the author drawing that animal. See excerpts and the table of contents below. This 128-page paperback will be released on March 14, 2023, by Quarry Books. It is available now for pre-order. Get your copy below!



Guinea Pig

Fennec Fox
Wild Boar
Brown Bear
Elephant Shrew

Red Lory


Sea Turtle
X-Ray Fish


About the Author






Back cover of my copy.

Drawing Class: Animals ISBN-13 : 978-0760379332 is available worldwide at Quarry Books, an imprint of the Quarto Publishing Group USA. Quarto has generously offered to giveaway a copy! One winner will be selected at random. Open until March 20, 2023. Canadian and US addresses only. Good luck!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Urban Wild Review & GIVEAWAY

Get your recommended weekly dose of nature! Urban Wild: 52 Ways to Find Wildness on Your Doorstep by Helen Rook. Her book is a collection of activities designed to deepen your connection with the natural world - especially if you live in a town or city. It features 52 practical ways to discover the beauty of nature where you live. Embrace and experience all four seasons - winter, spring, summer and autumn - and their distinct changes. Activities are organized monthly from January to December. Awaken and engage your senses with meaningful, family-friendly activities. Projects are arranged neatly with step-by-step instructions and beautiful photography. Every week offers a new way to tap into nature. These include creative, culinary, herbal, and mindful activities. Learn new skills and knowledge while developing a passion for the outdoors. The benefits include improved health and well-being. See excerpts and the complete table of contents below. ‏Bloomsbury Publishing released this 224-page hardcover on April 19, 2022. Get your copy below!


The planting of the seed
A note on safety

Take a tree shower 
Sounds of nature
Landscape navigation
Wild potpourri

Valentines for the birds
Animal tracking
Home spa facial

Be out in a storm (or at least watch one)
Make a spring flower bouquet
Plant a nectar bar
Eat wild spring pesto

Spring wild weather activity:  
Homemade reed diffusers

Plant something and watch it grow
Watch for the first swallows
Make nettle cordial
Foraged pakoras

Make daisy oil
Sleep in a hammock
Make a natural gratitude journal
Honour your feet

Make rose petal gin
Make elder flower champagne
Afternoon tea ceremony
Find a sit spot

Summer wild weather activity: 
Make herbal gin bags

Get to water
Make mojito jellies
Savour a plant
Cloud watching
Go camping
Look at the stars
Sit by a fire
Swim in the sea

Wild herbal balms
Bountiful berries and the art of eating mindfully
Wild mocktails
Rose hip vinegar

Autumn wild weather activity: 
Make a plaster print

Wild berry jelly
Make a bulb lasagna
Autumn light photography
Carve a pumpkin

Make something and burn it
Scrumped apple pies
Go on a night walk
Plant a tree (even indoors)

Christmas wreath walk
Bake bread on a skillet
See a sunrise
Know when enough is enough

Winter wild weather activity:
Make an ice globe

Sounds of nature

Valentines for the birds

Animal tracking

Get to water

Make mojito jellies

Look at the stars


Rose hip vinegar

Make a bulb lasagne

The best pumpkin soup

Know when enough is enough

Some photos I took during a February walk.

Urban Wild: 52 Ways to Find Wildness on Your Doorstep ISBN-13 : 978-1472990969 is available worldwide at Bloomsbury Publishing. They have generously offered to giveaway a copy! One winner will be selected at random. Open until March 11, 2023. Canadian and US addresses only. Good luck!

Sunday, February 05, 2023

Knitty Gritty Review & GIVEAWAY

Learn how to knit! Knitty Gritty: Knitting for the Absolute Beginner by Aneeta Patel. She's a knitting teacher in East London who specializes in beginners knitting classes. Review what you need to knit - then gather up the essentials. The author guides you through her How to Knit Workshop. Easy-to-follow instructions (text and photo) take beginners step-by-step from start to finish. Learn how to cast on, knit and cast off. Followed by how to add a new color, weave in the ends and purl. Apply what you've practiced in 16 beginner knitting projects. Pattern instructions are in clear language. Choose from designs suitable for family and home. Patterns require an assortment of yarn types and needle sizes. Additional knitting skills are introduced along the way. They include decreasing, sewing-up, stitch patterns, increasing, finishing and cable stitches. Knitting patterns offer alternative finishing options for experimentation. Suggestions include changes to the yarn, needles and stitches. Make tassels and pompoms to add to your knitting. It's everything the novice knitter needs to begin broken down into simple steps. Learn to knit. Develop your skills. Create something beautiful and feel confident. See excerpts and the complete table of contents below. Herbert Press released this 128-page paperback on May 14, 2019. Get your copy below!


Welcome to the wonderful world of knitting
Your Essential Knit-Kit
How to Knit Workshop

Project 1: Chunky Scarf
Decreasing Workshop
Sewing-up Workshop

Project 2: Baby Booties
Stitch Patterns Workshop

Project 3: Hats
Increasing Workshop

Project 4: Zig-Zag Scarf
Finishing Workshop

Project 5: Cardigan (baby or child)

Project 6: Flower 
Cable Stitches Workshop

Project 7: Cable Bag

Project 8: Lacy Wrap

Project 9: Mittens

Project 10: Hot Water Bottle Cover

Project 11: Necktie

Project 12: Fingerless Wrist-Warmers

Project 13: Phone Home

Project 14: Manly Scarf

Project 15: Girly Scarf

Project 16: Little 'n' Large Cushions

Enjoy and Experiment
Useful Notes: Conversion Charts and Abbreviations

Little Cushion

Lavender Sachet

Lacy Wrap



Hat with Flower

Project 6's Flower piqued my interest. I knit three of them up very quickly using blue variegated yarn. It's an easy project for new knitters because you can experiment with any yarn type and needle size. Use the flower to embellish a hat or other item.

Knitty Gritty: Knitting for the Absolute Beginner ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1789940077 is available worldwide at Bloomsbury Publishing. They have generously offered to giveaway a copy! One winner will be selected at random. Open until February 22, 2023. Canadian and US addresses only. Good luck!

Monday, January 23, 2023

A Knot A Day Review & GIVEAWAY

Knots you'll use! A Knot A Day: 365 Knot Challenges for All Abilities by Nic Compton. Learn how to tie and use knots in numerous creative and practical ways. There are eight knot-tying categories - General, Indoor, Outdoor, Magic, Craft, Fashion, Decorative, and Splices and Whippings. Each knot category is color-coded for easy reference. The 'General' section contains the base knots. Challenge yourself daily - starting with Day 1 and working your way through to Day 365 consistently building your skills. Or jump in wherever you like. Use the Table of Contents or Index to find a particular knot or project. What I like best about this book are all the projects using knots. Both the decorative and functional knots appeal to me. I couldn't resist temptation. First, I made the Spiral bracelet, then the Celtic heart necklace. Both were easy to make though the heart took a few tries. While learning do not try to rush. From practice, I've memorized the designs. The instructions are straightforward. They are well-photographed and explained. Jargon is minimal. It's a cool book! There is something for everyone. See excerpts below. Publisher ‏Adlard Coles released this 368-page paperback on February 9, 2021. Get your copy below!

Bottle carrier
Double overhand knot
Trick double overhand knot

Turk's head 3L x 5B in the flat

Plain whipping
Plain handle wrap

Cat collar
Cleat hitch on bollard

Fishtail weave necklace
Bouquet garni
Campfire pot hanger

Simple plant hanger

Spiral bracelet

Improvised awning

Tie 1: Four in hand

Shoelaces 1: Ladder

Shoelaces 2: Noose

Wrapped handle

Washing line

My first Celtic heart necklace.

Celtic heart necklace instructions.

Next, I want to add this Sliding necklace knot to my Celtic heart necklace. It's a popular knot used by  jewelry makers.

A Knot A Day: 365 Knot Challenges for All Abilities ISBN 978-1472985163 is available worldwide at Bloomsbury Publishing. They have generously offered to giveaway a copy! One winner will be selected at random. Open until February 9, 2023. Canadian and US addresses only. Good luck!